Papua 3 popular Culture Festival  in every year you might to Visit They are: 

  1. Baliem Valley Culture Festival 
  2. Sentani  Lake Arts & Culture Festival 
  3. Asmat  Arts Exhibition & Culture Festival 
Don't Forget to Visit

Baliem Valley Culture Festival

Hiking & Trekking Around the Balieim Valley

Welcome to visit Dani rich celebration of the Baliem valley’s diverse indigenous culture. Baliem Valley Festival is one of the culture events that can be use on opportunity visitors to observe.

Baliem Valley Culture Festival  is every August in a Year. As a result for 2024 will  on 7th-9th in August Wusilimo District of Jayawijaya Regency Wamena Papua.

The Festival highlights are:

Performance the Archery competition,

Performance the Throw spears,

Performance the Tribal War,

Performance tribal Dance,

Performance tradition music called PIKON a kind of mouth harp

Performance the adolescent habitual Music Witawo

 Game for the youth’s maturation called Sikoko and puradan,

Traditional cooking with hot Rocks- barbecue and so more. 

 You will see and learn when you are here.

Tour During the Baliem Valley Culture Festival

Day Hiking, Baliem Festival Include Pig Feast

5Days 4 Nights , All Nights Overnights in the Hotel.

special visitor only visit Baliem Valley Culture Festival, This is a agenda which one the best we offer.  You can meeting traditonal people during the Festival and Visit Mummy in the Baliem Valley. 

Tour During the Baliem Valley Culture Festival

Trekking Tour & Visit Baliem Festival

6Days 5 Nights, 4 Nights sleep in the Hotel, 1 night sleep in the Village

Long Trekking  Tour and Visit Baliem Valley Culture Festival and  Pig Festival Dani Traditional Village

special visitor only visit Baliem Valley Culture Festival, This is a agenda which one the best we offer.  You can meeting traditional people during the Festival and Visit Mummy in the Baliem Valley. 

Tour During the Baliem Valley Culture Festival

Day Hiking, Baliem Festival Not Include Pig Festival

4Days 3 Nights, All Nights Overnights in the Hotel.

Special visitor only visit Baliem Valley Culture Festival, This is a agenda which one the best we offer.  You can meeting traditional people during the Festival and Visit Mummy in the Baliem Valley. 

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