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Papua is a rich with tourism countries in the world 

D1.Jayapura to Wamena,  Baliem Valley

On the day your arrival in Wamena airport our English speaking guide and driver they will pick you up Airport. Transfer to the Baliem Pilamo Hotel other similar. City tour by car visit Wamena local morning market and Napua hills panoramic photography. After finish this point back to Wamena city drop you to Hotel. Free/ Rest time. Dinner in the restaurant. Overnight in the Hotel.

Mummy in Sompaima Village Jiwika 

Salt Water Wells 

D2. The Authentic Hiking Southern of Baliem Valley 

After breakfast leaving to Sogokmo or Jetni . And then end of the transport you start walk by your own foots you will pass Jetni, Kurima village, cross suspension bridge From Kurima to Seima.  From Seima you still walk to arrive second suspension bridge near Sogokmo.  A Hanging Bridge beside which is a small memorial to a Japanese tourist and his local Dani Guide who drowned and get die.

From the bridge 40 minute to Sogokmo.  Sogokmo to Wamena. Lunch on the way (Lunch Box). Dinner in the (Restaurant) and sleeping in the (Hotel). 

View of the southern Baliem Valley  

Hanging Bridge Kurima  Southern Baliem Valley 

D3.Baliem Valley Culture Tour & Pig Festival In Dani Traditional Village

After breakfast drive to Dani Traditional village watch culture celebration tour. Today you can stay with Dani People in the Village watching all culture activities from start to end. 

Here is a list of feature of the activity: 

  1. Mock tribal fighting and singing tribal  songs
  2. Traditional folks dance
  3. Fire friction
  4. Kill a pig by bow and bamboo arrows
  5. Cooking sweet potatoes in hole ground with hot rocks.

The first they will performance of tribal war in front of you.  They will use traditional weapons tools such as long spear, bow and arrows, and other things stick or special bone knife toots.  Fighting  many different reasons stealing ladies, stealing pigs,  and Map of lands etc. 

After finish in the part, continue singing traditional songs or dances, fire creating from Rotan,  kill a pig bow bow arrows, burning all rocks on the fires. After that cooking in earth oven by burned rocks.   This is hard job but very interesting. You be hesitate for making photos and views while enjoy this party. 

After all the cavity finish pack your backpack walk back to the car, drive to Wamena.

Lunch in the Village, Dinner in the Restaurant and overnight in the Hotel. 

D4.Tour to the North of  Wamena

On the day your arrival in Wamena Airport our local guide and driver, they will pick you up and shorter drive to the Baliem Pilamo Hotel and quick checking room.  After that pack your small back pack and back to the car.  Your guide and driver, they  will take  you to the north visit Mummy in Sonpaima village Jiwika with societies. The villagers welcome you  with full greetings (wah wah wah).  Mummy is one of Dani big chief for in this area. His Name is Wimontok Mabel. You will listen and understand  of his history when he was alive when  you are at the village. 

 After finish visit Mummy, one of next interest you have to know is Salt water wells in tropical rain forest. So from Jiwika you will hiking by your foots. It takes more less  2 hours.  You will watch and know how Dani people produce Banana Salt or banana cultivation salt in Danis traditional skill.  Here you can see from your eyes and understand how Dani people  make salt from Banana Trees.  During the salt processing you can make unlimited  photos / Video.  After all the tour activities finish walk down by same road and  back to Wamena. 

Lunch on the Way (Lunch Box) Dinner in the restaurant Sleeping in the Hotel.

Mummy in Sompaima Village Jiwika 

Salt Water Wells 

D5.Wamena to Jayapura-Sorong-Waisai  Raja Ampat

After breakfast transfer to Wamena Airport early morning  and fly to Sorong by transit Jayapura. Arrival in Sorong quick transfer to harbor to Waisai. Dinner and sleeping in the Guest House.

D6: Tour in Raja Ampat

On the second day after breakfast trekking to the top of Wayang, Swimming, great photos with Sharks and back to the Guest House.

D7: Tour in Raja Ampat

After breakfast, tour Piaymo, trekking to top of Piaynemo, Tour to Abrbore, Visit Tourism Villages, sand back  and after the tour back to the Guest House.

 D8: Tour in Raja Ampat

Wake up very early morning let go to tour to the Jungle visit Birds of Paradise where there dancing in every morning is King Red of paradise and wildson birds.

After watching the birds in the jungle, continue tour visit Blue River.
after that tour back to the Guest House.

D9: Waisai to Sorong

After breakfast transfer to Harbor to Sorong. Arrival in Sorong city quick transfer to the Hotel and rest making your laundry etc.


After breakfast your guide and drive will get you back to the wamena Airport. Finish Service. You can leave Baliem Baliem Valley fly to Sentani Jayapura and enjoy your next Trip. 

Group  & Prices  Details

Solo or 2 Travelers

Solo Travel Price is 

  • USD …………….
2 People Price  is   
  • USD ……….

Small Group Tour

3 -5/ People Price per person

  • USD……………
7-10 People Price per person  
  • USD ………….

Price  include is

  • Local English Speaking Guide 
  • Porters 
  • All Transportation 
  • All  9 nights  sleeping in the Hotel
  • All Entrance 
  • Foods Full Boards 
  • Arrange Travel Permit (Surat Jalan)

Price is not include: 

  • All Plane Ticket
  • Airport Tax
  • Personal expenses 
  • Shopping any presents
  • Photos Tours 
  • Tips 

Payments  we accept only IDR,   We need your first payment (Deposited) 10/15%  and balanced will decide later. 

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